
Showing posts from 2014

Wake Up and Live Today

Don't wait till a new year to begin making those changes you want to do. Those changes should be today. Each day we should wake up and simply want to live in each moment that is given.  What baffles my mind is how people can think that they have all of the time in the world to begin what it is they keep putting off,  but what if you were just given today or next week. What would you do? A DJ friend of mine and to many others got into a horrific car accident and I am sure he did not plan to spend his whole holiday fighting for his life to stay alive. His life changed in that instant and so did his families. Even God states in Ecclesiates 9:11 "Time and unforseen occurrences befall us all." How about each day is a new day and a new beginning. If you have dreams to whatever you want to be in life, live that dream today.  I had a series of ups and downs and felt my life in an unbalanced shuffle of sorts. I didn't wait till a new year to make a change, I vowed to ta...

The Silent Killer Should Not Be Ignored

With over 40,000 people each year in the United States alone, this silent but deadly killer should not be ignored. Most depression is caused by severe induced stressed in a person. Over 350 million people worldwide are affected. With numbers like this, it is a real and serious issue. While neurons and chemicals may be the direct influencers, many genetic factors have been discovered as well. It's important to remember that depression is a disease with a biological basis, along with psychological and social implications . It's not simply a weakness that somebody should get over or even something we have a say in. And just like heart disease or cancer, shedding light onto the subject is of the upmost importance. I share the same views of this article written by Katie Hurley for the Huffington Post. It hits home for the both of us and I am sure it will do the same for you. Getting help and feeling of worth is of the upmost importance to living a life we all deserve and in keeping ...

A Fresh Start to a New Year

Tomorrow is always a new day, a new beginning and a fresh start to get it right. There are dark silent moments of self loathing that bring disappointment about life's obstacles and the choices we made  that didn't go like we planned or thought it would go, but each morning that we awaken to a new day, is the Universe's way of letting each of us know that the plan is still a go and our lives will manifest correctly if we only just trust, have faith and believe even if we don't have all of the answers right now. As a Pisces, we are known as the go with the flow types. It's definitely my truth, but it also has had it's downfall when I allowed myself to flow and focus too much on others and not enough on myself. It forced me to sit down and have my quiet moments just so I can listen to that inner voice, that screaming child that knows exactly what she wants and is screaming loud enough for you to listen. I finally heard her. I am becoming more and more aware of wh...

Kick Doubt to the Curb

"Our heavenly Father understands our disappointment, suffering, pain, fear, and doubt. He is always there to encourage our hearts and help us understand that He's sufficient for all of our needs. When I accepted this as an absolute truth in my life, I found that my worrying stopped." Charles Stanley Doubt can rob you of your dreams, of becoming more educated, and of future growth and development. It paralyzes you and prevents action, courage and bravery... all key elements to becoming a champion in life and business. It can cause you to create opinions and beliefs without even pursuing the doubt, or worse, without educating yourself on the thing you doubt. Call to Action: When you doubt something or yourself, ask questions about the subject, learn about it, educate yourself, ask for help from someone you trust or admire, etc... there are many ways you can PURSUE YOUR DOUBTS. Don't sit on the sidelines like everyone else when a doubt arises. You owe it to yourself and ...

Releasing Anger for You! "Excerpt From My Memoir"

"Someone once said holding resentment toward another person is like drinking arsenic and hoping the person you are resenting dies. Buddha put it another way: “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else—you are the one who gets burned.” This helps put it into perspective, doesn't it?  It is the mental and emotional act of resending toxic and negative energy through our own minds and bodies, repeatedly. This is not to diminish the fact that many of us may have legitimate reasons to be angry towards another person. Sometimes people do thoughtless and even cruel things to each other. However, stop and think about it: Does holding onto resentment serve YOU in a positive, life affirming way? Most likely, the answer is no. In many cases, the person or people we hold in resentment don’t even know or care...or worse yet, some of them are already in the grave but we are still allowing them to hold us hostage to the past. What ...

Begin Loving Yourself Again

I can't tell you how much joy and satisfaction I get from loving others, but it's only because I love myself. I have questioned that love many times only because I felt as though there were times that I would self sacrifice and give my all to others, but only to feel left depleted after when things didn't always work out the way they were suppose to. I think we all have felt this way whether with a friend, relative or most commonly, a significant other.  Here are some things I practice in loving myself that I find that work especially after going through disappointments. Give it a shot and do it daily and watch it change your whole outlook and perspective in life. #LOLOKNOWS 1.  Begin your day  with love (not technology).  Remind yourself of your worthiness before getting out of bed. Breathe in love and breathe out love. Enfold yourself in light. Saturate your being in love. 2. Take time to meditate and journal.  Spend time focusing inward daily. Begi...

Durand Bernarr on LOLO KNOWS TONIGHT!!!

I am honored to be interviewing my next guest TODAY on LOLO KNOWS RADIO SHOW along with my cohost,  Jay Soirée , it's Neo Soul Singer, Durand Bernarr. In 2010, he had been discovered by artist Erykah Badu who reached out to him and invited him to be a part of her band, Neda Stella. He is currently working and touring full time and my show will be interviewing him TODAY at the Grog Shop where he is set to perform beginning at 8pm. Tune in at 6pm for my show which is starting earlier due to the live show. Log into  and click on Lolo Knows Radio Live at 6pm or .

The Darker Side of Love

Read this article and it was spot on for what I just went through in my previous relationship. It sucks knowing that you can love someone for a lifetime but not be with that person for reasons this article points out, but one day the hurt will surpass and the scars will heal fully once a good amount of time has passed. That is exactly what I am doing. It's good to take that necessary time to just heal and unpack that baggage for good. Loving yourself is the best medicine you can give.


Each day is a meditative process for me to advance myself into enlightenment. I didn't  just wake up one day and say, "oh, I want people to hear what I have to say based on what I know." I live to know what I know and that's why I am sharing with you. I am conscience of who I am and how I would like the world to perceive me and live exactly the way I want my character to live on after I have checked out of this human existence. I have developed trust in the wisdom that created me and that is exactly why I smile and get out of bed each and every morning knowing my grand purpose is being sought after and it's developing and becoming as I am writing this blog. I live each day thankful that I woke up and to see my kids and speak to the people that mean the world to me and believe that if I were to leave too soon, there would be a huge hole in their life and I would be dearly missed. Your life has meaning and a purpose and no matter who hurt you or what complica...

Devin For The Win

This beautiful woman is my friend Kim and her son Devin. He was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor and is currently getting treatments at the Cleveland Clinic. A curve ball thrown in life is what we can expect because we all have a limited window of opportunity in this world to live and perhaps make a difference. I choose both and at this time. As you know, treatments are very expensive and a community has rallied to help. They have roughly over $13,000 raised on and raised more at a charity dinner, but it's still not at their goal of $100,000. Please click on the link to make your donation today. Every little bit helps. I will be talking to Kim about an event that I would like to throw. It will involve shaving off my hair. Mind you, my hair took years to grow and it is now down the middle of my back, but it's only hair and with healthy eating, taking biotin, it will be back in no time. It's all to help my friend whose only child is in need. S...

I Was Poisoned by a Toxic Friend

We all have so much to be grateful for. I will have to say that there are days that make that grateful list seem so small because life can throw us curve balls everyday. Yesterday was one of those days for me. I had a heavy heart! My mind went from what am I doing to who am I and what the hell do I want for my life? Are my prayers good enough? Do I have enough faith? Oh, and this one... I think I want to sell everything I own and leave. All of this spun out of control due to someone I considered a friend had some pretty mean things to say to me. I really felt like I walked into the Devil's house and he fucked me up. It made me second guess everything.  Here's an awesome quote attributed to Steven Winterburn “ Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.” This couldn't be further from the truth and you know what is funny about this quote is my so-called friend told me they were...

Ladies, Listen Up Please!!!

I can't say how true this actually is. The old saying is,  "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" Ladies, it's all good to give this man the best you can give but don't go out of your way to be a wife when he hasn't even given you a ring or set a date for the wedding. Wives have different duties than girlfriends. Stay in your lane!  When he is ready to move forward in your relationship, then by all means do the laundry, cook those meals, clean his house, take care of his appointments, run those errands, be his bookkeeper... You get my drift? In the meantime, your role should just simply be  enjoying your date nights, talking about your careers and building your friendship period. I know there are different strokes for different folks, but too many times I have seen women getting hurt because they put their best foot forward with no pay out in the end. Just love and be patient with yourself and trust God that he will place the right ...

Spirit Animals and What are They???

Today, I got visited by not one, or two, but three Blue Jays and I had to know what it meant. It's very rare to see these birds just hanging around especially when it is winter time here in Cleveland. I have had some guidance by these symbolic animals over this last year. One came in my dream which was a white wolf and I saw a frog sitting outside a restaurant earlier this year, staring at me. I had to do some research on what they were trying to tell me. We will just go with the Blue Jays today, but first let me give you the meaning of Spirit Animals and what they can mean for you.  Spirit animals are typically associated with traditional as well as modern Western shamanic practices. During initiations or shamanic journeys, the shaman would find one or several animals that she or another person is associated with. Traditionally, the spirit animal is used for guidance.  Think of your spirit animal as a guardian spirit or spirit guide. It can play the role of protector and pro...


The spirit of forgiveness is harnessed within the spirit of love and compassion–the love characteristic in how we are taught that God loves us; the love for which most of us love our children, our family, and even our friends. I’m not speaking of ego-based love, which is usually associated with being “in love,” or “passionate love.” I’m speaking of the unconditional love we usually reserve for those who we put beyond our egos. If we can find it in our heart to delve for this compassionate loving spirit for all those we love, especially those we are “in love with,” we will find it impossible  not  to forgive our beloved when we perceive they have hurt us. Now just because we forgive someone does not mean that we should allow anyone to continually hurt us. It means that we release them from the anger, resentment, and bitterness usually associated with an unforgiving spirit. It means that we love them, in spite of….. We love them whether they are in our lives or out of our lives…...

Thankful Everyday!!

I had such a wonderful week with my family both blood and friends. It's been quite an eye opening blessing to see all these loved ones I have in my life that love me and are around me because they genuinely care. These are one of the many things that I am thankful for. One thing I have seen this past week is that there have been some that are battling some serious wounds and still found the strength to be around to gain some positive motivation, share in some laughs that made even the most painful situations just disappear for a moment: shedding light that this too shall pass in time. I had the time to reflect on a previous relationship I had that sadly did not work out. The one thing I reflected that was positive is he gave me a lesson that has forever changed my life and outlook. It is a family lesson. He has such a big family and they are very close and I witnessed that even in his tough times, he had their love and support to fall back on. This past Thanksgiving week with my ...

Who is LOLO?

LOLO is a dedicated mother, driven entrepreneur and in-demand visual artist for Studio Angel-Lo.  She is also fast-becoming known and loved as the captivating radio show host of LOLO KNOWS — whose name was coined by friend and popular recurring guest, DJ 41SE7EN.  The name LOLO KNOWS has been spreading like wildfire and has many intrigued as to what, exactly, LOLO KNOWS--to which she emphatically asserts, "LIFE!!!"   LOLO lives abundantly and, most importantly of all, authentically.  She masters and translates her challenging and inspirational lessons — as well as her dreams, passions and the beauty she emanates, seeks and sees — to all of humanity.  LOLO wants to motivate and inspire all towards the love revolution she is creating via the mediums of amazing music and good conversation.   Join LOLO every week to catch a new episode of a good life, a good time, and the great talent she is promoting!  #LOLOKNOWS

First Show for I Heart Radio

Awesome first show went smooth and I was so excited to share this with two people that mean so much to me, Cali Miles and Bobby Champagne. You can go to to learn more about Cali's music and the Bomb Squad. You also can now follow Bomb Squad Radio on YouTube and also catch Cali's, The Blue Vegan videos. Check out Slo LurnRz music video, New World, here: .  

Enjoying Every Moment

Every moment is an opportunity for growth no matter what it is you are going through personally, professionally, intimately, or spiritually. Our thoughts invite our experiences. You are right where you are at because you created that reality. If you don't like the reality, begin changing the thoughts and believing in a new outcome. So many get lost because they are so use to the dogmatic mindset that has been thrusted at them and think this is normal, acceptable and they begin to believe it. I have been a victim of this behavior and mindset myself and one day I told myself that I was not a victim and I can control this situation by simply not feeding the cycle that kept revisiting itself in my own personal relationships which in turn have fragmented my reality and has caused me great suffering in the end. No more I said and began meditating, being grateful and telling myself nice things and soon enough, my life began to change and I found myself worrying less, and saw myself eagerl...

Welcome To LOLO's WORLD

I am so excited about this new journey that has been manifested by my love of talking to people and sharing my own journey and what I have learned along the way with you. Life is full of lessons and the people that we attract teach us those lessons. Most try to deflect their lessons as a way to avoid the truths that haunt them, but in order for us to learn, we must not deflect and stare our truths head on in the mirror and reflect and heal from the many things that we may not think have impacted our lives until now.  My thought as I take you on this road trip in life with me is know that I am with you and holding your hand and relating my own truths with you to open up your doorway to finally healing and living the life that you truly deserve.  Lolo Knows Everything isn't a cockiness. It's truly an accurate statement that I do know and want to know more. I live to learn, grow, understand  and want to share with the world what I have unlocked as a reference and guide to he...