
Each day is a meditative process for me to advance myself into enlightenment. I
didn't  just wake up one day and say, "oh, I want people to hear what I have to say based on what I know." I live to know what I know and that's why I am sharing with you. I am conscience of who I am and how I would like the world to perceive me and live exactly the way I want my character to live on after I have checked out of this human existence. I have developed trust in the wisdom that created me and that is exactly why I smile and get out of bed each and every morning knowing my grand purpose is being sought after and it's developing and becoming as I am writing this blog. I live each day thankful that I woke up and to see my kids and speak to the people that mean the world to me and believe that if I were to leave too soon, there would be a huge hole in their life and I would be dearly missed. Your life has meaning and a purpose and no matter who hurt you or what complications or tragic events we may endure, we all must trust. To TRUST is to truly live without fear of ever being hurt. This is how we all should live even when we don't always want to. It's the only authentic true way of living a life that is worth talking about in the end and will inspire others to want to try and live the same way. Namaste my friends! 

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