Wake Up and Live Today

Don't wait till a new year to begin making those changes you want to do. Those changes should be today. Each day we should wake up and simply want to live in each moment that is given. 
What baffles my mind is how people can think that they have all of the time in the world to begin what it is they keep putting off,  but what if you were just given today or next week. What would you do? A DJ friend of mine and to many others got into a horrific car accident and I am sure he did not plan to spend his whole holiday fighting for his life to stay alive. His life changed in that instant and so did his families. Even God states in Ecclesiates 9:11 "Time and unforseen occurrences befall us all." How about each day is a new day and a new beginning. If you have dreams to whatever you want to be in life, live that dream today. 
I had a series of ups and downs and felt my life in an unbalanced shuffle of sorts. I didn't wait till a new year to make a change, I vowed to take whatever came at me and just face it. Regrets are a waste of time. They are the past crippling its way to the future. Look at the hard moments, that is your pathway to being strong and developing courage. Welcome it and embrace those moments and instead of being a victim, ask yourself, what is my lesson here? 
Living in your moment each day can be replacing a negative thought with a positive one. It could be signing up for that class you have been putting off. It also can be doing the necessary research to begin that big move you have always dreamed of doing. The point is, don't wait till tomorrow to make your dreams a reality. Live your dream today. 
May this up and coming New Year bring peace, love and many flowing blessings your way. This is my wish for us all. 
Goodbye 2014!! It's been hella REAL, but the most wonderful year that changed my life for the better. 
To the Universe, I thank you for all you have taught me and I welcome this new year and each new day with all love and gratitude for everyday I am given. I am thankful to wake up today and have the opportunity to see this day. Please keep me, my family and friends safe this evening. AMEN!!!

Happy New Year Celebration!!!
With Love,
Lolo Knows

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