Take Time to Reflect

This has been quite a time for me in reflection. Reflection is important so that I don't lose myself, the purpose I set out to do and my truth. The world can suck you in easily with so much going on these days especially the way my life can be a fast paced roller coaster. Sometimes, you just have to get off and just sit and take it all in. I have been doing this much more lately, that it's now becoming a habitual pattern that I could not be happier to have adopted. I do not know if it is age, but one thing is certain, I have prayed to get to a point where I would just stop, breathe, and just appreciate all that is around me now in the present moment. Asking my own self, how are you? This is a great question to ask ourselves daily. Think about it! When we first greet someone, we usually ask them how they are. Whether or not, they tell you the real truth, it's still a proper question and a real question we should ask ourselves everyday. At least we can be truthful to ...