Mama Lo Knows

This quote by Charlize Theron says it best. I never wished to be a single mom, but that is what I have been for 21 years and I have to say, it was the best years of my life. My mother got divorced from my father when I was 9 years old and she became a single mom. Having her as an example was the best lesson I could draw from to be the best mom to my boys to this day. It made me want to be better and sacrifice what I needed to, to give my sons the best time and life I could, so that I could see them thrive better than I did in these conditions. This was my time to prove that not only I could do that, but love in a selfless place and put others needs before my own and grow me to the woman I am today. I am currently able to inspire a generation that would at least want to look at my example and feel that despite the dreams I have had as a little girl, the dream to give my boys what I didn't have manifested because giving to them was like giving to myself and it did pay off. I hav...