Spiritual journeys begin with you wanting to grow and become the best reflection of yourself. It all starts with you and I am here to help you with that.
Words to Live By
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Worry is a waste of time. It's the past trying to make its way to your future. Don't let it.. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
A big part of our adult work is rechoosing how we want to be. Most of us didn't have a perfect childhood. However, if we are still caught in a web of negative behaviors and patterns from childhood, we can free ourselves. When we notice ourselves acting in ways we dislike, we can stop and consciencly choose how we would like to act or respond in that instance. We are not chained to the past; we have the power right now to rechoosing how we want to be.
Everybody has a Judas in their lives and sometimes several. Some are friends, but most are unfortunately in your own damn family. I can relate to Jesus. It's hurtful as shit. The reason this occurs is lack of real understanding and so many being so far in their own asses to ever even want to try to understand who you are and why you feel and think the way you do. It's fucked up, but that's what it is, but you know what you do have control over, how you respond or don't respond to the bullshit. You don't have to answer to things especially if they are coming at you as an attack because that's all you will get at the end of the day, your feeling like you were nailed at the cross. So, don't say shit!!! Keep it moving. Sometimes saying nothing is everything.
You Can’t Please Everyone It’s impossible to live up to everyone’s expectations. There will always be people — no matter what we say or how we treat them — that will judge us. Whether you’re at the gym, at work, taking the train, or even online playing Call of Duty. Even now it‘s happening. You will never be able to stop people from judging you, but you can stop it from affecting you. Think about the worst thing that could possibly happen when someone is judging you or what you’re doing. I guarantee that chances are — nothing will happen. Absolutely nothing. No one is going to go out of their busy lives to confront us, or even react for that matter. Because as I mentioned before, no one actually cares. What will happen, is that these people will actually respect you for claiming your ground. They may disagree with you, but they’ll respect you. Start standing up for what you believe in — causes, opinions, anything . You’re going to have people that disagree with ...